New Game Plus (NG+)
You asked for New Game Plus, and we delivered – it’s time to crank up the difficulty, boost that level cap, and dive into Hell-A with new weapons and a wicked new breed of zombies.
How to start a New Game Plus?
NG+ Mode is now available to Slayers who have completed the main campaign.
- After completing the story, a pop-up will let you know NG+ is unlocked.
- Head to the Main Menu -> Slayers, and export your character to NG+, which now has its own tab in the menu.
- Pro tip: We recommend being at least level 30 before taking the plunge.
Neighborhood Watch Mode
This mode is live and ready for you available from the Main Menu!
Expect fresh mechanics, new weapons, and more to keep those zombies at bay.
The final club encounter with the Dirge has been tweaked to reduce difficulty
- Various stability improvements
- Performance improvements
- Various bug fixes